has a very proactive telecom and internet policy, and mobile coverage is just
as good or even better then in Denmark. Already in 1993 the Act
that promotes Telecom and internet was passed in parliament. Today you see
the results of this important act. As you travel through the country you see mobile
transmitter antennas on many chimneys and other high structures.
But most important is that the charge for mobile connection is reasonably priced. A large part of the population can afford it. It will still take a little while before most people have access to internet, but the mobile phones are there and has revolutionized the society. Imagine walking 20 km carrying 20 kg of tomatoes to the marked, only to find out that everyone brought tomatoes and you can’t sell yours. With the mobile phone you can call your friend in town, who can tell you to bring fish instead.
But most important is that the charge for mobile connection is reasonably priced. A large part of the population can afford it. It will still take a little while before most people have access to internet, but the mobile phones are there and has revolutionized the society. Imagine walking 20 km carrying 20 kg of tomatoes to the marked, only to find out that everyone brought tomatoes and you can’t sell yours. With the mobile phone you can call your friend in town, who can tell you to bring fish instead.
Here at
Saraswatipur Boarding School the mobile phones are also frequently used. Not so
many people send SMS as in Denmark, but teachers often call each other just to
say “come over here for a moment”. In the place of SMS the mobile is used as walky-talky.
knows about the internet here at SBS, but all want to learn more. I have
promised to do some training on computers and internet as well as the
Cooperative Learning.
Dette er min nyeste FaceBook ven, Raton Murmud i hans butik
i Sarasatipur (se butikken øverst i den engelske tekst). Han er en nær slægtning af kokken i gæstehuset. Internettet er
ved at blive ret almindelige her. Det er adgang via mobiltelefonnettet, i mange
tilfælde leveret af Telenors søsterselskab i Bangladesh der heder GrameenPhone.
Men vigtigst er, at telefoni og internet er rimelighed prissat, så en stor del af befolkningen har råd til det. Det vil stadig tage lidt tid, før de fleste mennesker har adgang til internettet, men mobiltelefonen er der, og har revolutioneret samfundet. Forestil dig at gå 20 km bærende 20 kg tomater til markedet, kun for at finde ud af, at alle kom med tomater, og at du ikke kan sælge dine. Med mobiltelefonen, kan du ringe til din ven i byen, som kan fortælle dig at du skal tage fisk med i stedet.
Alle kender til
internettet her på SBS, men alle ønsker at lære mere. Jeg har lovet at lave
nogle kurser i computere og internet sammen med Cooperative Learning.
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